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We are a Bible believing Baptist Church formed in 1878.


Our services are traditional and reverent, in line with the clear teaching of the Bible. Worship is designed to lift up our minds in praise, thanksgiving, repentance, dedication, intercession, and the hearing of God’s Word. It is not intended to entertain, but to bring us to appreciate Almighty God.


Sunday morning begins with a Sunday School at 9:30am which lasts for about 45 minutes. The morning service begins at 11:00am and lasts for approximately 80 minutes. The evening service begins at 6:00pm and is a similar length.


Our Tuesday evening services start at 7:30 and last usually an hour.


There are facilities for looking after children in the community room at the rear of the chapel.


We have a warm and friendly environment and a welcome is extended to any who would like to join us for worship.


Pastor Stephen Hyde


We hold to the doctrines of grace, commonly summarised as the 'five points of Calvinism', contending for the work of the Holy Spirit in conversion, leading to the fruit of a godly, upright life.


  • The Bible is the true word of God, and is the authority for all our beliefs.

  • We believe there is one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who is the ruler and creator of the Universe.

  • "In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth"  (Genesis 1 verse 1), "God created man in His own image"  (Genesis 1 verse 27), perfect, and for His honour and glory.

  • However, man disobeyed God and sinned, therefore everyone born into this world is a sinner, and must face eternal punishment, unless by God's grace they repent of their sin.

  • God, in his mercy, sent his only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ into the world to save sinners.  He suffered and died on the cross, bearing all the sins of those that believe and trust in Him.

  • The Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead, and now lives forever to bring His people safe to Heaven at last.


This is the Good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is summed up in the beautiful verse below:


"He knew how wicked men had been.
And knew that God must punish sin;
So, for his people, Jesus said
He'd bear the punishment instead."


We keep the New Testament ordinances of believer's baptism and the Lord's Supper.  We practice restricted communion, therefore anyone wishing to receive communion needs to be a baptised believer, and must have satisfied the pastor and deacons of their faith and new birth.


We use the Authorised (King James) Version of the Bible as we believe this is the most faithful and accurate translation. Hymns are sung from the Gadsby's Hymbook.


Sunday School: 9:30am

Sunday Worship: 11:00am and 6:00pm


Tuesday Service: 7:30pm


Midweek services can vary, please check the calendar


Hope Chapel,

Hatchlands Road, Shaws Corner,





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